Discover New Strategies To Grow Your Own Wealth And Protect Your Freedom…

It’s time to let the dental industry experts help you create and execute your ideal strategy plan.

November 15 - 16Dallas, TXReserve Your Seat

Dear Fellow Dentist,

When was the last time you thought about your dental future?

I’m talking about having a solid, proven plan that would allow you to exit your practice – when you want, and not when you can no longer work? If it’s been longer than a year, then there is something wrong with the way you’re handling your financial future. 

It’s not about spending less time chair side or leaving clinical dentistry completely.

The right plan is one that gives you freedom to enjoy a career in dentistry on your terms, complete with long term financial stability and the lifestyle freedom you deserve. It can also be the gateway into a new opportunity, being able to retire with the funds you need to pursue your passions, or even explore a new venture. 

We can show you how to attract the most lucrative offers for your practice so you can experience the career, financial, and lifestyle freedom you deserve.

Look, Dentistry is changing forever as the era of independent practices draws to a close.

But this isn’t a message of gloom and doom.

It’s a message to tell dentists like you that this industry will continue to generate loads of wealth for those who understand how to take advantage of brand-new opportunities.

Of course, every practice varies in size, location, number of staff, and so on. Some dental practices and dentists are better positioned to take advantage of these opportunities.

There is no type of “one size fits all” cookie cutter plan.

And even if there was, it’s not something we believe in offering either. Because we have come up with that’s even better: A way to show you the current lay of the land and what you need to know in order to succeed in the coming future.

The end result?

A one of a kind in-person event called Beyond The DSO Summit (or BTDSO Summit for short). Hundreds of other dentists have already attended one of our Summit events. And based on their feedback, praise, and results, I can say with complete confidence…

You’re Just One Proven Plan Away From Creating Your Own Financial Freedom!
November 15 - 16 | Dallas, TX

Here’s what you’ll experience at the Beyond The DSO Summit…

Day One

From Knowledge To Action

For many conference-goers, they sit and listen to the expert presenters. Some take a few notes. But very few ever take action on that newfound knowledge, even though one small action could drastically change their life!

Look, knowledge IS NOT power; only knowledge put into action is! This multi-day event is being led by some of the best experts in the dental industry. You’ll leave the BTDSO Summit with a better level of understanding.

You’ll also gain a plan that covers things like…

  • What steps you need to take to adjust to the sweeping changes already happening in dentistry…
  • How to benefit financially while remaining in control of your future…
  • Why it’s important to create and execute your strategy plan now —even if you plan to remain in clinical practice for the foreseeable future…
  • How Dental platforms put the power into the hands of dentists…
  • The proven methods you’ll want to use to begin to explore new opportunities and ventures…
  • How to leverage the power of collective negotiation to take the fast track towards a double-digit valuation…
  • What top Private Equity firms look for in a practice…
  • How to ensure you get the best terms from a platform, a DSO, or even a dental practice buyer…
  • And much more!
But that’s not all.
Check out what else our team of experts will be covering…
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Day Two

Mapping Out Your Future

With a clear understanding of the current problems dentists are faced with and the forces behind that drive them, you will have the insight and know how to plan your ideal exit plan.

You’ll leave this event knowing…

  • What a successful practice sale should look like…
  • The different types of deal structures and each of their tradeoffs…
  • How to define the overall vision for your transition…
  • What steps you need to take to create your own roadmap for success—before AND after the sale…
  • How to manage your future wealth through tax savings plans and sound financial management strategies…
  • Why far too many dentists overlook Autonomous DSO Platforms…
  • The secret power of collective negotiation for exit strategies…
  • How to take the fast track towards a double-digit valuation…
  • And much more!

Reserve Your BTDSO Summit Ticket Now

November 15 - 16Dallas, TXReserve Your Seat

Here’s Everything You’re Going To Get When You Reserve Your BTDSO Summit Ticket Now…

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Access To A 2-Day Life-Changing Event! (In-Person)

Look, the BTDSO Summit isn’t some boring “conference”… It’s a fully immersed 2-Day EVENT! We’ll start each morning with the type of positive learning environment where you’ll be able to focus and maximize what you learn. Each speaker has been chosen because of their areas of expertise. There is something for EVERY attendee at this event, no matter WHERE you’re at in your dental professional career.

By the end of this LIVE event, you’ll walk away knowing the next steps you need to apply to plan and elevate your financial future to a higher level. It doesn’t matter if you’re a complete beginner or a 30 year dental veteran…There is something for EVERY attendee at this event.

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Networking With Other Like-Minded Attendees!

This is your chance to take full advantage of networking opportunities, and find others who can help you grow your own financial fortune. Our event is PACKED with experts in their field who are attending the event right alongside you. We’re also expecting this event to have hundreds of like-minded attendees who are looking to make new connections too.
Look, you do NOT have to figure it all out on your own! In fact, you shouldn’t…

This is the perfect event to:
  • Discover how to create your ideal exit plan…
  • Find all the “WHO’s” to help you elevate your skills to a higher, more profitable level…
  • Make new like-minded friends…
  • Connect with old ones too…
  • And much more!

Complimentary Breakfast, Lunch, and Cocktail Hour On Us!

You can rest easy knowing that you don’t have to find a great place to eat because we’ve taken care of it for all of the attendees. Of course, you’ll still have the option of heading to dinner at any of the local restaurants. Because there are plenty of great options to choose from since the BTDSO Summit is being held in beautiful Dallas, Texas.

And then after dinner, you’ll be able to enjoy a drink on us while you mingle and meet other Summit attendees. It’s the best of both worlds and guaranteed to make the event even more enjoyable.

Reserve Your BTDSO Summit Ticket Now

November 15 - 16Dallas, TXReserve Your Seat

What Do Freedom Dental Partner Members Say About Us?

I’m excited for the next chapter.

“My building was worth more than I ever would have expected. I haven’t been disappointed in the things they said could happen. I’m excited for the next chapter of my story with Freedom Dental Partners.”

Brian Sicher

Something I didn’t know was possible.

“The exit strategy I had at the time I became a member of Freedom Dental Partners was wrong. Over the past 18 months since I’ve been a part of this community, my exit strategy has developed into something I didn’t know was possible.”

Jim Burden

Freedom Dental Partners is by far the way to go.

“If you care about how you’re going to exit and you want to make sure that you get the smoothest transition while getting the most money for your practice, Freedom Dental Partners is by far the way to go.”

Cliff Degel

…I was sitting on a goldmine.

“My eyes were opened to the fact that selling my practice isn’t just a matter of turning it over to someone else. It’s about positioning it in a way that increases the value. Before that moment, I didn’t appreciate that I was sitting on a goldmine.”

Alexander Larsen

..I could not be more pleased.

“From both a cash and HoldCo result, I could not be more pleased. The next phase of my journey includes investing in new platforms and creating even more streams of passive income by reinvesting back into my profession.”

Dr. Brian Handel, PA

About Freedom Dental Partners

We’re on a mission to create total freedom for dentists. How?

By creating opportunities for dentists to navigate every phase of their careers on their own terms. Now more than ever, there are more possibilities for building wealth and enjoying a satisfying career in dentistry. 

With Freedom Dental Partners, you’ll gain access to a team of dental industry experts who understand your unique needs and challenges. Together, we can help you finally realize your dreams and do it on your terms.

Reserve Your BTDSO Summit Ticket Now

November 15 - 16Dallas, TXReserve Your Seat

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